Bea China Redefines Wealth Management

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The Bank of East Asia (China) Limited (“BEA China”, “the Bank”) strives to connection a broad suite of banking and wealthiness guidance services done an intuitive and move integer experience. Leveraging complete a period of master banking expertise from its Hong Kong genitor bank, The Bank of East Asia, Limited (“BEA”), and its industry-leading integer innovation, BEA China is strategically reshaping its wealthiness guidance business successful nan Chinese Mainland. The Bank’s recently launched Mobile Banking App is simply a pivotal measurement of this translator journey.

Incorporated successful Hong Kong successful 1918, BEA is simply a starring world slope listed connected The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, and operates 1 of nan largest section branch networks. In nan Chinese Mainland, BEA’s beingness dates backmost to nan opening of nan Bank’s Shanghai branch successful 1920. BEA has an extended web of astir 130 outlets successful China, Southeast Asia, nan United Kingdom, and nan United States. Headquartered successful Shanghai, BEA China is 1 of nan first locally-incorporated overseas banks successful nan Chinese Mainland, and operates 1 of nan largest networks among overseas banking peers.

One-stop Cross-Boundary Banking

BEA China’s Mobile Banking App provides one-stop cross-boundary financial services, tailored to nan blase needs of diverse, globally minded clients.

Key features see unafraid world remittance networks, same-day definitive transfers to BEA Hong Kong accounts, overseas rate clip deposits, and real-time overseas speech services successful 11 currencies. Notably, nan Bank’s industry-leading “Mobile Banking Remuneration FX” work allows eligible China-based world customers to person and remit income earned successful China into overseas currencies done Mobile Banking, flexibly wrong quotas valid for a afloat twelvemonth aft approval.

Comprehensive Global Investment Resources

Through nan Mobile Banking App, users tin entree a wide scope of world finance products offered done BEA China’s QDII service, from starring plus guidance firms specified arsenic J.P. Morgan, BlackRock, Janus Henderson, Schroders, and BEA Union Investment.

Furthermore, BEA China has collaborated pinch nan globally renowned finance investigation patient Morningstar to merge its extended investigation information into nan Mobile Banking App. In summation to viewing and selecting top-performing home and world products online, customers tin easy entree related multi-dimensional insights utilizing nan app, including finance styles and humanities capacity data, to make much informed finance decisions. The Morningstar Style Box is simply a peculiarly valuable tool, enabling customers to quickly place a fund’s finance style.

Enhanced Digital Experience

Wealth guidance is becoming an progressively integer acquisition successful China, and BEA China has built an upgraded, user-centric integer situation that prioritises easiness of use. The Bank has incorporated extended investigation and personification feedback into nan design, resulting successful a simpler, much vibrant, and easier to navigate interface. In addition, nan app is equipped pinch a senior-friendly interface featuring larger fonts and smoother visuals, and supports some Chinese and English.

To further enrich nan integer experience, nan Bank has collaborated pinch premium contented creators to supply engaging and applicable accusation connected section lifestyles and wellness and wellness topics.

Innovation Backed by a Century of Experience

As China broadens world connections, location is an expanding request from Chinese residents and expats for much integrated financial and wealthiness guidance services. Leveraging nan beardown world web and complete a period of master banking expertise of BEA, its Hong Kong parent, BEA China delivers exceptional cross-boundary financial solutions for its customers to meet their banking needs astatine location and abroad.


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